Sometimes you get it right the first time and don’t realize it. I finished my latest hat last week and was very pleased with the way it turned out. I worked really hard to get the hat completed before Tiara arrived for the photo shoot of Simply Southern so that we might be able to get in a few photos with Southern Breeze.
Tiara could make anything look fabulous because she’s so beautiful but she definitely rocked the teal and camel colors of the Sinfonia yarn that I purchased from Creative Yarn Source. The brim of this hat is not quite as big and the other two hats because of the stitching and here is where the tweaking begins.
I love the big brim of Southern and Sassy and Simply Southern, and thought I would attempt to enlarge the brim on my newest hat. Epic failure! The stitching of this hat simply won’t allow for a bigger brim, but of course I had to go through through the entire process of making another hat before I realized I had it right the first go round.
Oh, but I didn’t stop with just tweaking the brim….no. I had to play around with the increase stitches and some other ideas as well. UGH……I had it RIGHT the first time!! I have spent this entire week making and taking out stitches in a hat!
Needless to say, I am done with the tweaking of Southern Breeze and it’s almost ready for my wonderful testers, whom I trust and rely on for their great feedback and timely crocheting!
Please tell me that I’m not the only one in this boat? Do you ever do anything similar? I’d love to hear about it if not for anything than to make me feel better….
Have a great day and be on the lookout for Southern Breeze in a couple of weeks!
It so beautiful like the others, but when or where can I get the patterns???
Thanks Migdalia! This pattern to Southern Breeze was sent out to my testers yesterday, so it should be available within the next couple of weeks!
The other patterns to the other hats are already available. You can click on the Hat and Supply info tab for the links.
I hope I’m in your tester team.
I never know when I may need to pick up another tester. You can send me a short “bio” of your crochet experience along with some photos of your work to Thanks for the interest!
Yes,,, I frog all the time… and wonder why I feel so crazy… I love this and love the brim too! Congrats on another wonderful hat!
Thanks Elena!