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When I started my crochet business over a year ago, I had NO idea how important the photography part of the business really was. I’d just go out there snap a couple of photos and add them my blog or Facebook page. That’s if I had a good day and could capture it just right.
As I started making crochet friends through various groups and talking to other designers, I knew my pictures needed improving. I didn’t have a lot of money at the time (still don’t) to spend on expensive programs that could dramatically improve my images. Then someone mentioned they had PicMonkey…hmmmm So, of course I Googled and found the website. Yay! They actually have a FREE version. I instantly fell in love with the site and could see how it would help me in the future.
Then came along my Southern Hats with my model. She’s definitely gorgeous and really didn’t need many touch-ups but there was some things I wanted to use through PicMonkey and decided to upgrade to their Royale program. I clicked to find out the cost and was blown away because it’s only $4.99 a month or $33 a year. I paid for the full year subscription and started using it right away. I knew immediately that I had made the right choice!
If you are in the market for an inexpensive yet excellent tool for your photos, PicMonkey is the way to go not only for your crochet photos but for your family photos too! If you’d like to check it out, here’s a video demonstrating some of their tools. Here is a photo of my Fun in the Sun summer bag. Can you guess which picture has been edited?
Have a great day! Be blessed!
I’ve started getting into PicMonkey thanks to suggestions like this one. I take most (ok ALL) my pictures on my iPhone so I use a lot of editing apps on there for my pictures. I also really like ribbet.com, which is similar to PicMonkey in a lot of ways. Definitely agree that pictures make the product! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve deleted and retaken pictures for my Facebook page as I learn something new about taking photographs of my product.
Great info about Pic Monkey, Kathy. You’re the second person in 2 days who has recommended the sight. Think I’ll have to look into it!