One of my passions on my ELK Studio Facebook page is to share beautiful projects, and I recently came across this gorgeous jacket.
I can’t link the source of this particular picture but did find a tutorial (graph pattern) and the experience of a fellow crocheter that made the jacket.
At the time I saw the picture, I didn’t have the link and went to Ravelry to see if I could find anything similar. I’ve never taken the time to make anything for myself but that was about to change! The jacket I chose to make is a Drops Design and I love the way it turned out! The pattern was fairly simple to read and understand, and I was able to stay pretty close to the pattern instructions.
I’ll share with you the details of how I made the jacket.
Hook – J
Yarn – Cascade Ultra Pima 100% cotton
Gauge – It said that after completing round 5 the jacket should measure 20 cm. My jacket only measure 18 cm, but I’m not surprised because the suggested yarn is 2 strands of Alpaca and I used one strand of Ultra Pima cotton. I figured I might be okay and could adjust later if I had to, so I kept going.
I had no issues with the jacket until round 13 but thought I should mention Round 12 too.
Round 12: The S/M pattern called for chaining 26, and I did but remember to chain LOOSELY because this is for your armholes! (Yes, I had to do this twice).
Round 13: Here is what it says for this round: ” tr in the first tr, *2 ch, 3 tr in the next tr*, repeat from *-* = 192 tr.”
If I were writing it I would say, “tr in the first tr, *ch 2, skip 2 ch, 3 tr in the next tr.” When I first read the instructions I thought I would tr, ch 2 and 3 tr in the next. It didn’t seem right because i had entirely too many stitches. So when I went back to read it again, I figured out I needed to skip 2 chains as well and chain 2.
The remainder of the body of the jacket worked out fine and I finished it up.
The S/M instructions on the sleeve state:
“Round 1: Crochet 52-60-68 tr around the armhole from the circle and finish with a sl st in the first tr from beg. of round”.
52 is the correct number of S/M jacket, but when I counted the total number of stitches around I came up with 56. I wanted the arm holes to be symmetrical and when you look at the M/L it states 60. PERFECT! There are 28 tr on each side and a chain 3 space on each side. I chained a tr in each tr (28 tr), 2 tr in the side, 28 additional tr and 2 last tr on the side for a total of 60. I think the 52 stitches would have made the sleeves too tight and I liked the way it looked better anyway.
Here’s where I need some suggestions. I haven’t clasped, buttoned or whatever I plan to do to the front of the jacket yet. What do you think? If it were your jacket, how would you join it and what would you use? (Excuse my hound dog, Otis, he was very persistent in trying to capture his moment in fame!)
The Drops Design jacket was a total blast to make and I definitely would make it again and recommend it to anyone, even the “young” crocheter could follow these simple directions as long as you know how to do treble stitches.
Here are some more photos of the jacket modeled by my beautiful friend, Carolyn!
I hope everyone has a great evening and God Bless to each of you!
Love this vest! Do you know how many yards of yarn you used? I can’t find the yarn you used, or the yarn in the purple vest you referred to. So, I’ll try to find another DK yarn. It would help to know the approximate yardage.
Thank you so much. I’m hoping this will be my vacation project!
I made this jacket a long time ago. I’m not sure if I can remember. 🙁
I have no pride, what is tr?
tr stands for treble crochet or triple crochet. 🙂
Great project! I so feel like tryind it too now, aftre seeing your beautiful result! Mmmm… Such a long queue of projects I’d love to make, and always not enough time!!!
What a wonderful pattern 🙂
I’d love to do something like this for my daughter , but haven’t built up the nerve to attempt it yet 🙂
Wow, fabulous job! It looks great on you, too. Thanks for the pattern link.
Thanks…..the person is my friend, Carolyn. I’ll be sure and tell her. She was kind enough to model it for me! If you decide to make the jacket, I would love to see it!
Bravo! It’s beautiful!
Thank you so much!!!
The jacket is beautiful 🙂
Thanks Donna! I’m so happy with it and can’t wait to wear it!
Congratulations with your jacket! It looks great!!
Thank you Elisabeth! It was so much fun to make!
Great colours. They really suit you. And I love your dog 🙂 I’m all for letting it all hang but if you really want a closure I’d use or crochet a wide ribbon. That way you can tie it or leave it to dangle, it will just hang with the jacket and you don’t have to worry about losing it!
Another great suggestion and I’m beginning to like the idea of a ribbon or a crocheted tie. Thanks!!!!
I usually crochet ties but I think a shawl pin would look so pretty
Thanks for the suggestion Kathleen!! Sounds great! I love all the ideas coming my way.
Kathy, in reference to your closure question, Back in the 70’s, Lots of women wore the long vests, that had a button on each side, One of them had a chain attached to the shank. If you were to find a couple Large Shank Buttons that were say Blue or the Red, and crochet a loop (very tight chain) large enough to go over the Button on the other side. The loop would come off the shank under the button. I don’t think I am explaining it well. You know me by now, I see it, but can’t say it.
I understand what you are saying and love your input! I may see what I can find in the way of buttons. Thanks for the suggestion Becky! I’m glad you hang out here!
Wowza! Really well done! Love the yarn and the pattern! It looks gorgeous on you, too!
Thanks Susan! I really like the feel of the yarn too. I’ll be sure and tell my friend, Carolyn, you liked it on her….She was my model. I hate taking pics of myself!
Super cute! You did a great job… I have a similar one started that I got from Drops Design… It’s in line to be finished!
Thank you Elena! Which one are you doing? I’ve been looking at starting another one.
Its called Wild Flower… on Ravelry… here is the link-—crochet-jacket-worked-in-a-circle-in-nepal. I have most of the back done to the sleeves…
Yep, that’s one that I’ve been looking at too. I might have to give it a try!
Thats so funny! We seem to have the same taste… It is pretty easy!
I think we do too! Too bad we live thousand of miles away from one another! I was just looking at it and once I get another “break” I may start it. I think I’m going to do this one in a thicker yarn and a solid color.
Maybe someday we can meet up… I think it would be fun to go to a crochet convention… I am just using Red Heart Yarn,,, I am going to pick mine back up late August… I am finishing my shell and more stuff for sale… And I hope to start your hat next week…
A crochet convention…..ha ha ha wouldn’t that be tons of fun? I would love to attend a convention!
Me too… I always look at them,,, but I would have to save up for a while and it seems like there is always something else that sucks up the extra money…lol
AMEN! Yes! I love it! It’s such a great feeling when you overcome something you may find difficulty with. This has given me the courage to try one that I’ve been eyeing myself! It’s a beautiful summer jacket!
Thanks Shantier! It was really lots of fun to make and I feel like a million bucks wearing it!
It’s gorgeous. Great job.