I have a great time on my ELK Studio Facebook page all the time but Monday’s are even more fun because of “Making it thru Monday”. Everyone that wants to participate in showing off their work can either upload a photo onto my Facebook page or email me at elkstudiocrochet@gmail.com.
Here’s last week’s most viewed submissions!
The blanket was made by Judy and it was her very first afghan! I think it is absolutely gorgeous and commend her on finishing such a big project!
The Hounds Tooth scarf was made by Carolyn at the Purple Poncho. She followed my free pattern and decided to add the red flower accessory! I think she did a fantastic job and always love to see the finished projects from my patterns!
We always have really great projects with an amazing variety. There are a few people that love to do amigurumi, and I am always amazed by these projects because of the time it must take to sew in all those loose ends. Then there are those that love to make doilies, blankets, purses, etc. You name it and we’ve probably had it on there.
I’ve been doing “Making it thru Monday” for about 4 months now and at the beginning of each week, I show off the top two “Most Viewed Submissions” from the previous week. I want to incorporate my blog into this great time and have decided that I will also do a blog post each week of the most viewed submissions for everyone to see.
Here are the simple rules:
- It has to be made by you. (crochet or knit)
- Give the name of the designer (if possible)
- Provide a link to the pattern (if possible)
- Share a little about the project.
Since we will be doing this post weekly, I encourage you to email me your photo because it would be easier for me. If you have a blog or Facebook page, provide me the link so that other people can see your great work too. Please try to take great photos of your projects and think about using a watermark on the photo. I use picmonkey to edit my photos (no worries, they also offer free services).
Well, that’s just about it. Come join the fun on “Making it thru Monday”! I would love to see you there!
If you have a Mac , you can watermark with Photo Bulk. I think it is only $5 at the App store, but well worth it, since you pictures can be pulled of the computer without you knowing it. You want to protect your work.
Thanks Beate, I used a PC but that’s great info and you are right, it’s well worth the money! We work too hard to let others take the credit.
My very first pattern I sold for $1.50 I found 2 weeks later on Ravalery selling for $5.95. Praise God for my computer literate daughter, who hooked me up with watermark. Now I scrapbook my patterns ( I believe I am the only one so far), which is a lot of work, but it is MY trademark and NOBODY can say they just happen to make it up themselves. We do not need to “steal” from one another. Each of us is creative enough to let it rip.
Scrapbook? Educate me…. I’m so sorry that happened to you and we don’t need to take from anyone else. We just need to take the time to create something of our own. Good for you!
That is really a great idea. We all need to be doing more networking like this. I am new to blogging, but I can see the benefit for all creative people to let others know what is out there, be inspired and challenged. Thanks Kathy!
Thanks Beate!
I love seeing the creativity that people have and no better way than to show it off!