It’s time for another edition of Dear ELK Studio. You asked the questions and our team of contributors have your answers. Be sure to leave your question at the bottom of the page in the area provided. If you’ve asked a question and don’t see it today, hang on because there is always next week. Enjoy today’s article!
Dear ELK Studio,
There are so many crochet hooks out there. How do I choose?
Dear Hookless,
I love my hooks and you are certainly right by saying there are so many out there! Recently there was an article written by Beatrice Ryan Designs for The Yarn Box addressing crochet hooks and everything you should know! Hope this helps.
Dear ELK Studio,
I hate the way my project looks when I finish them off. Is there a way to make the seam look smoother besides just making a knot?
Dear Knot Happy with Seams,
There are so many ways to finish your projects smoothly, so I think knots are rarely the answer. Here is the technique I recommend via You-Tube and another tutorial by Cre8tion Crochet.
Dear ELK Studio,
I am going to attempt a wedding ring crochet cover for our king size bed. I have six colors, besides white… Light and dark blues, purples and greens. And I found a beautiful variegated yarn for the connecting octagons. I am really struggling with a sequence or pattern for the colors. Is there a resource that could help me? Thanks so much!
Dear Multiple colors,
When it comes to choosing color patterns I think Whitney Otto, How to Make an American Quilt, said it best, “There are no rules you can follow. You have to go by instinct and you have to be brave.” But if you aren’t feeling brave, here is a post from Fresh Stitches and Granny Square Colors.
Dear ELK Studio,
I cannot get a beanie cap to turn out the way it should. I follow directions but it seems the hat gets smaller instead of larger after completing a few rounds. What am I doing wrong?
Dear Shrinking Beanie,
Hats that start from the crown generally work flat until the end of the increase rows, then as you build the sides they start to form into the traditional beanie shape. If you are having trouble with it starting to change shape while still in the increase phase, it may be that you are tightening your tension as you work and the hat starts to pull in. Also check that the pattern has the proper amount of increases, as an example if the first round in the hat has 10 stitches, generally you should have an increase of 10 stitches in each increase round.
Dear ELK Studio,
Why does my crochet hat always “stretch” after washing and drying?
Dear Stretcher,
You may try hand washing your handmade items or wash them in a lingerie bag on delicate cycle and lay the item flat to dry. This insures the item is not stretched out of shape by the harsh action of the washing machine or shrunk by the extreme heat of the dryer. If it seems ALL of your projects are looser than ideal still… You may need to tighten up your tension.
Do you have a question for Dear ELK Studio Crochet Column? If so, ask in the contact form provided below. We would love to help you!
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Great questions,,, with great answers!!