In this week’s Crochet Stories, we’ll learn why Tara enjoys crocheting and how she learned.
Who Taught You to Crochet?
I taught myself. I found an old flyer in some papers as a kid and thought maybe I could make my parents a Christmas gift. We had lots of wool in the house as my father was a master weaver and I found a random needle. Not knowing what I was doing I made scarfs. Let’s say they were less than perfect, but as parents do, they liked them anyway.
How Long Have You Been Crocheting?
30+ years

Title: My Saber sleeping.
Description: I like to make dog sweaters for her to wear on our cold days.
Why is Crochet More than Just a Hobby to You?
Crochet is my quiet calming place and has helped me through many depressing times. It is also my happy place as I get great joy from creating and giving projects away, though there is not much need for hats and scarves when an extremely cold day is 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
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